
This is a website I developed to use as a personal cloud storage solution. It features a light mode, dark mode, multiple file uploader (with chunk splitting), login system, directory browser (with the ability to make new directories and files) and a custom PHP API. It is also incredibly responsive and works with a myriad of screen sizes and devices. It does rely heavily on JavaScript (and jQuery) and as a result, users who have disabled JavaScript aren't even allowed to access the website. Below, you will find images of the website, a link to download its source code, and a link to a demo version of the site. The login page with the light theme. The login page with the dark theme. The main page with the light theme. The main page with the dark theme. The settings page with the light theme. The settings page with the dark theme. The main page on mobile with the light theme. The main page on mobile with the dark theme. The uploader page on mobile with the dark theme. For security reasons, the back-end scripts have been disabled for this demo, meaning files cannot be added or modified and the user preferences cannot be changed. The files displayed are actually real though and there is a genuine AJAX request to the API that's outputting them. It is still entirely possible to interact with the menus and open directories. The source code for the project can be found below but it won't be updated or maintained and is generally not meant for public usage. Login details for the demo: Username: demo Password: demo Login details for the download: Username: admin Password: root